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Small-Town Charm Brings Big-Time PBR Event to Kindersley…

BySport room

Aug 31, 2024 #PBR

Small-Town Charm Brings Big-Time PBR Event to Kindersley

In the heart of Saskatchewan, where endless prairies meet a strong sense of community, something remarkable is on the horizon. Kindersley, a town known for its close-knit community and passion for rodeo, is preparing to host a Professional Bull Riders (PBR) event—a spectacle typically found in larger, bustling cities.

Pete Gebraad, the PBR Canada Cup Series Event Producer, is especially excited to bring this event to Kindersley, a place he fondly considers his Saskatchewan home. His ties to the town are personal—his wife grew up here, making Kindersley a significant part of their lives.

Initially, Gebraad had some reservations about bringing an event of this magnitude to Kindersley. “The cost of hosting an event like this is substantial,” Gebraad noted.

However, after presenting the idea to the town council, he was met with overwhelming support, setting the stage for the event’s realization. The enthusiasm of local businesses further highlighted the strength of small-town spirit. “When it comes to bringing people together and showcasing the community, anything is possible,” he added.

A major highlight of the event is the involvement of Dakota Buttar from nearby Eatonia, after whom the event is named. Gebraad explained, “When we announced this event with Dakota’s name attached, the best in the industry were eager to participate—something you don’t usually see in a small town like this.” Buttar, a two-time reigning Canadian PBR champion, is quickly becoming a notable figure in the bull-riding world. For this event, he personally selected the bulls, ensuring a top-level competition.

PBR Event

Buttar is equally thrilled to perform in front of his hometown crowd. “It’s a rare opportunity for me,” he shared. “I travel hundreds of thousands of miles each year, and it’s always far from home.”

Remarkably, it’s been 12 years since Buttar last competed in Kindersley, where he first learned to ride and began his career. “Riding in front of your hometown is truly special,” he added.

The event promises to be a spectacle unlike anything Kindersley has ever experienced. Featuring top-tier talent both on the ground and behind the scenes, the show will also include a 30-foot video screen and cutting-edge sound and lighting systems, ensuring the entire arena feels the excitement.

As Kindersley prepares to host the PBR, the town is already looking ahead. A successful event could pave the way for more high-profile gatherings, potentially establishing Kindersley as a key stop on the rodeo circuit. Yet, no matter what the future holds, one thing is certain: the spirit of small-town Saskatchewan is alive and well, bringing big opportunities to Kindersley.

In the end, this event is about more than just bull riding—it’s about a community coming together, exceeding expectations, and showing that when small towns dream big, they can achieve anything.

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