Julia Piquet, the wife of NASCAR driver Daniel Suarez, recently wished her “forever bestie,” Joao Victor Carneiro Mokdissi, a happy birthday on her official Instagram account. In an attempt to send her pal well wishes, Piquet posted a number of old photos on the Meta-owned website. Piquet shared four pictures of herself and her college pals. She also had photos with Nicole Nasr, Tamine Mokdissi, and Joaquim Roriz Neto in addition to Carneiro Mokdissi. She shared the pictures and commented, “Feliz aniversário to my forever bestie!!!” for her pal, whom she had known for over 15 years. Without you, dear João, high school would not have been the same! I’m incredibly grateful that our friendship has endured for more than 15 years despite time and space.
“Hysterically laughing at the most ridiculous things and having a good time” (RAwrrr). You are one of the rare people! I am really excited for you and Clarissa’s June wedding. Many blessings, Ju,” she wrote. Nelson Piquet, the three-time Formula One world champion, is the father of Julia Piquet. Although she was born in Germany, she grew up in France and is a Brazilian by nationality. Notably, Piquet earned her business degree from the University of Miami in the United States. In addition, she is the sister of model Kelly Piquet and retired Formula One racer Nelson Piquet Jr. It’s interesting to note that Max Verstappen, a four-time Formula One world champion, is partnered with Kelly Piquet. Daniel Suarez, a driver in the NASCAR Cup Series, is Julia Piquet’s spouse. In 2022, the pair became engaged, and two years later,
On January 7, Julia Piquet wished Daniel Suarez, her husband, a happy birthday. This year, the Cup Series driver turned 33, and his wife wished him a happy birthday by sharing a few pictures. Suarez was born in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, on January 7, 1992. After winning the Xfinity Series championship with Joe Gibbs Racing in 2016, he became the first driver born outside of the United States to win a major NASCAR National Series Championship. Piquet used the occasion to publicly wish her spouse a happy 33rd birthday. She captioned it, saying, “Happy birthday to my great husband 🥳 This year will be much greater than last year! I appreciate how you make me giggle every single day.