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The field of candidates to replace Pete Carroll as the Seahawks’ head coach is led by the Cowboys’ Dan Quinn

Pete Carroll’s departure as the Seahawks’ head coach prompts a search for his replacement, with General Manager John Schneider leading the effort.

Among potential candidates is Dan Quinn, the Dallas Cowboys’ defensive coordinator, who previously served on Carroll’s staff and contributed to the Seahawks’ Super Bowl success. Quinn’s familiarity with the organization makes him a notable contender, given his success in Dallas.


The “Rooney Rule” necessitates the Seahawks to consider at least two external minority candidates for the coaching position. While the coaching search is in its early stages, several potential candidates emerge.

Former Titans head coach Mike Vrabel, Ravens defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald, Lions offensive coordinator Ben Johnson, University of Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh, University of Washington head coach Kalen DeBoer, and Vikings defensive coordinator Brian Flores are among those speculated, each bringing unique strengths to the table.

Mike Vrabel’s surprising departure from the Titans after winning the AP NFL Coach of the Year Award in 2021 makes him an unexpected but intriguing candidate for the Seahawks. His success and experience in the league could bring valuable insights to the team.

Baltimore Ravens defensive coordinator Mike Macdonald emerges as a potential candidate, given his role in orchestrating the top defense in the league. With the Seahawks needing defensive improvements, Macdonald’s expertise could address critical issues.

Detroit Lions offensive coordinator Ben Johnson is another name in consideration, bringing his success in elevating quarterback Jared Goff’s performance and contributing to the Lions’ offensive prowess over the last two seasons.


Jim Harbaugh, the head coach at the University of Michigan, presents an interesting option. Despite past rivalries and tension with Pete Carroll, Harbaugh’s coaching acumen and success with both offense and defense make him a compelling candidate for the Seahawks.

University of Washington head coach Kalen DeBoer, having led the Huskies to success in the Pac-12 Championship, presents a strong candidacy with his impressive track record and offensive expertise.

Brian Flores, the defensive coordinator for the Minnesota Vikings, brings innovation to the defensive side, implementing a collegiate defensive scheme that showed promise during the season.

Despite past challenges, his defensive acumen makes him a noteworthy option for the Seahawks.

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